Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

Going to Disney? Don’t forget your DS

Yep. Visitors to Disney (Land, world or the park is called) will soon be able to use their beloved portables as a tour guide in its park. How? You simply need

News you just missed: Link Love #2

I’m already out of school (pre-graduate) and looking for that one job to make it all worth it. I’ve found over 30+ jobs along that line and received replies from about 15 companies

Dummy’s Guide to Installing Custom firmware on a PSP

Let’s say that you’re new to the PSP world and all the terms flying around like Custom Firmware (or CFW), HEN, M33, LCFW, Permanent HEN etc is too confusing then please use this guide

Ginger: the new Netvibes

Netvibes is prepping up a new, fully overhauled release of it’s latest version, Ginger, which will be out to every user of the service by mid-February. I was lucky enough to

The Best Games you’ve never played

With hundreds of new games each year, it’s easy to forget the classics. Sure new games may be top of the line in terms of graphics but what of the gameplay? Games

Manage your time effectively

Poor management of time will prevent even the smartest of people from reaching their full potential. You either end up doing very little or not at all and living an unproductive life is much

Geeks and Valentines #1: Gift ideas

The big day is still a 26 days away and already people are stocking up on gifts like flowers, cards, chocolates even gadgets. And with good reason, anything branded valentines either disappear or

News you just missed: Link Love #1

Thank God and Geeks for inventing the RSS reader. Can you imagine if you had to read all those 50+ blogs in your bookmarks? Well for one, we’d all be stuck in

Techy stuff to Life, Games, and Computing

I’ll confess, I started this blog with no plan whatsover on SEO, niche or even regular posting. To the earlier me is a way of making money. While it’s true, I

Get paid to blog: Smorty Blog Advertising Network

People use blogs for a number of things, a hobby, an outlet of creative juice or simply a place to vent things out. Now, aside from being all that, wouldn’t it be better

Custom Firmware 3.80 is released

As you’ve noticed in some of my posts, I’m slowly shifting this blog to a gaming niche to make way for Pinoy Tech Guy. It wouldn’t make much sense to have 2 blogs

Protecting your content

Scrapers are the worst type of visitors to your site. Why? They “scrape” everything, your posts, your images, even links which are likely at the bottom, and post it as their own.

Gundam 00 – Episode 14

Gundam 00′s first episode of the year starts out with a bang. There’s a new intro (and outro) for the series and like all others before it, spoilers abound but before we get

Yet another contest

This is the first time that I saw a theme that I really want to have so pardon the very off-topic post. The very pleasing theme you see below is called Block Magazine

Phishing Gone Wrong

I love the lighter side of the news in the morning, Especially for things like this. By far this is the worst phishing attempt i’ve ever seen. This is why you should never ever

Did Gentoo just die?

While no official body has yet to confirm or spread news about it, Daniel Robbins, creator of Gentoo Linux, confirmed that the Gentoo Foundation’s charter has been revoked for the next several

syl re-plays RF Online

I’m officially from my school after a long and tiring completion period so I follow Mcbilly’s advice and decided to spend the next few days playing.  I removed the dust from my PS2 (it

Blogroll Page for WordPress

Over time, your WordPress blog accumulates blogroll links that limitting a fixed amount of links to show on your blog becomes your last option. If you want to share more link love to

Google on your TV

The idea of a major internet company on your home tube (TV for the misnomer) is not as farfetched as it was 5 years ago. Sure, we already see so much ads that we

RF Online PH’s New Server – Xenos

I entirely forgot to post this last night since I got excited re-participating in the 9:00 pm Chip Wars and ended PL-ing my Hecate to level. Lo and behold, RF Online Philippines has

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