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Steam for Linux Beta Now Available

The Beta trial for the Linux-client of Steam has officially begun. “This is a huge milestone in the development of PC gaming,”  says Gabe Newell, Valve President and co-founder. “Steam users have been asking us

Valve opening up Steam Closed Beta for Linux

Steam for Linux seems to be chugging along the development road quite nicely as Valve has announced that they will be opening up slots for a private external beta for 1,000 lucky users. The beta

Did Gentoo just die?

While no official body has yet to confirm or spread news about it, Daniel Robbins, creator of Gentoo Linux, confirmed that the Gentoo Foundation’s charter has been revoked for the next several

6 Reasons to Switch to Linux

1. Linux is Stable as a Rock As no doubt many in the industry will tell you, Linux is proven to be a reliable operating system (parts of your system may crash but not

Thoughts on gOS

I was ecstatic to find a new Linux flavor on Linuxtracker . While some people are fazed by having a Linux distro compiled with the idea of their web apps (docs, youtube, gmail, blogger

gOS (Ubuntu derivative) is out

Based on Ubuntu 7.10 Linux system with an Enlightenment E17 interface, the PC’s productivity will be almost solely derived from Google applications accessed through Firefox: Mail, Calendar, News, Maps and Documents & Spreadsheets. It

Mythbuntu: The Perfect Linux Media Box

If like me, you’ve dreamed of a Media Center PC that sits in your living room recording all your favorite shows but lack the money for it then good news for you. Mythbuntu is

Asus EEE US prices are out: disappointing

People like me who wish for a low-cost, ultra mini subnotebook are in for some bad news. Early adopters to Asus’ EEE PC will have to face an additional 100% to the original

Thoughts on KUbuntu 7.10

After about 3 hours of tweaking, I’ve finally managed to get a stable configuration for installation of Kubuntu 7.10. While I will add my hand on all the praises that Canonical has been

Ubuntu 7.10 is available for download

Although it’s still not on the Ubuntu site front page, you can get the latest distro from any of these sources: Ubuntu Release Page OSUOSL Mirror FSLUTD Mirror Indiana Mirror CD image Mirror Or you can save everyone’s server from

Asus EEE hardware details

I should have posted this yesterday but I had tons of stuff to do so pardon the late information to anyone waiting for their EEE’s. Asus finally unveiled the models in which their much awaited

The rise of subnotebooks

While the idea of ultra low cost subnotebooks was intended as a project for education purposes of third world countries, everyone seems to be chipping in into what’s likely to become a new battlefield

Ubuntu 7.10 available for preorder

Shipit, Ubuntu’s FREE CD delivery service is now taking orders for Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) shipments. While placing my orders I noted that there’s a bit of decrease in the cds they send out: 1 Ubuntu

YaKuake – KDE terminal emulator

Long time or even new Linux users sometimes find the old terminal console boring and too DOS-like. I tried lots of emulators but I couldn’t find one that works for and looks

Asus EEE available for Preorder

Asus finally opens up the preorders for this sleek (and cheap) sub-notebook. To cut costs, Asus decided to include the Xandros Linux distribution instead of Windows. It supports WiFi b/g, uses SSD for its

Linux Guide for newbies

It’s been a while since I’ve started guiding a few of my friends and family onto Linux OS and it’s a refreshing experience seeing people using Linux (Ubuntu specifically) actually enjoying it, it’s become

Google Presentation goes live

Google Apps just celebrated it’s Suite completion with the release of it’s presentation application. At a quick glance, Google Presentation looks and feels like a bare bones of an online presentation tool and

The Asus EEE

People seldom associate the term ultra, low cost with a laptop? With a desktop probably because you can shave off nearly 50% or more from building your own rig rather than going

HP joins the Linux bandwagon

After months of speculations from the Open Source community, Hewlett-Packard will soon be selling RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Desktop 5 on its HP dx2250 PC. For now the deal is

Useful Ubuntu Sites

A friend in the Open Source community has invited me to visit two interesting sites, UbuntuHQ and UbuntuGeek. The former collects all Ubuntu related articles in one place while the latter collects tutorials. UbuntuHQ

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