Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

WoW recalls subscribers with Scroll of Resurrection

Dropping it’s MMO subscriber count can’t be good for business which is why Blizzard has come up with a new campaign for players to “resurrect” their accounts as well as invite friends back into

Buy a WoW Annual Pass and get Diablo III free

Blizzard is hanging a tempting carrot in front of active WoW players in the form of a free copy of Diablo III.

World of Warcraft now Free-to-Play until level 20

Blizzard may have just opened the floodgates with the decision to allow players to play World of Warcraft up to Level 20 before the game starts asking for cash. The so-called Endless Trial mode will

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm sells 3.3 million units in one day

Blizzard’s newest World of Warcraft expansion has broken all records PC game record sales, moving 3.3 million unit sales on day one.  That should come as no surprise however, as half of everyone on

Blizzard Product Roadmap Leaked!

As one of the most uptight game developers, it comes as a surprise to have Blizzard’s five year game plan to get leaked into the internet. For those highly anticipating the release of

World of WarCraft: Cataclysm Introduction Video

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is set to release on December 7, 2010 and will bring about slew of changes to the massively successful MMO like a new level cap, new areas, two new

Korean WOW players get Starcraft II for free

As if South Korea needed any more reason to get Starcraft II, now Blizzard is giving it away for free to WOW players. *sigh* They really get all the good stuff 🙁 According to

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