Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

Manually Set your Character’s Charm Table

  1. Ensure that the WiFi of your 3DS or Wii U is turned off.
  2. Change the date to 1/21/2012 and set time near the table you’re targeting (refer to the table below).i.e.if you’re targetting Table 10, set your time to 00:12:43.  You need the offset because you’ll still need to wait for the game to boot which shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes.  I recommend getting a stop watch and starting the count as soon as you set the time.
  3. Start the game wait until you get to the screen with the “New Game.”
  4. As soon as your timer runs out, hit the button to start the game.
  5. Your character’s charms table is now set.
Table Window
Start End
 1  00:14:11  00:14:13
 2  02:14:39  02:14:42
 3  00:11:28  00:11:30
 4  00:05:47  00:05:49
 5  00:56:43  00:56:45
 6  00:42:17  00:42:20
 7  01:43:58  01:44:01
 8  09:25:48  09:25:51
 9  07:09:58  07:10:01
 10  00:14:43  00:14:45
 11  00:02:43  00:02:43
 12  00:06:41  00:06:41
 13  00:07:46  00:07:48
 14  00:17:02  00:17:05
 15  00:08:09  00:08:09
 16  00:13:22  00:13:22
 17  00:20:03  00:20:03

If you need to verify if your charm table is set properly, refer to this page.

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