Xploring Games, Computing, Photography

Dare to Challenge MyBrute

Bored and in front of your PC?  Here’s something to kill time for you.

A quick note to the spelling nazi’s, My Brute should be spelled and searched with a space in between.  However since most people new to the game refer to it as MyBrute instead of the correct My Brute name, it stuck.

MyBrute is an online game where you create a (you guessed it) a Brute to fight other people’s Brutes to gain experience, weapons, stats and skills.  Not skilled?  Don’t worry, fights are automatically resolved so you simply watch your brute beat up the other player or the other way around.

So what’s the point in it?  It’s fun. Sure, you don’t get to control your Brute but hey, at least you get to see it win 🙂  Want to know a tip to winning more games?  Join up and challenge MyBrute ^_^

Now since you’ve landed on this page, I’m going to share a very important tip with you.

See those Brutes with pets? If you want to get one, becoming a PUPIL of a Brute with a Panther, Bear or whichever pet you want to acquire. By level 3 you’d have a pet. If for some reason you didn’t get one. try again and create a new pupil. That’s it for the cheat 😀 Here’s some more resources where that came from:

  1. MyBrute
  2. MyBrute Guide
  3. MyBrute Pupil Trading List

If you sign up MyBrute to become my pupil, post your Brute in the comments and let’s start a MyBrute Pupil Trading List.

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Comments ( 331 )

Have Something To Say ?

  1. Argent April 23, 2009 Reply
  2. g6pd11 April 23, 2009 Reply

    make me ur pupil,hehe

  3. dulm April 25, 2009 Reply


    welcome pulil

  4. Hefeistos April 25, 2009 Reply
  5. justin paul April 25, 2009 Reply

    pls pupil me puker178.mybrute.com thx i will pupil u also…

  6. bordi April 25, 2009 Reply

    done pupiling

    now please pupil me


  7. james April 25, 2009 Reply
  8. james velasco April 25, 2009 Reply

    done creating pupil for you..

    now make a pupil for me please


    dont pupil calvin-james..

  9. Dennison Uy April 26, 2009 Reply

    Created a pupil for you named “Lamgys”

    Please pupil me:


  10. coco April 26, 2009 Reply
  11. blah April 26, 2009 Reply
  12. helpchick April 26, 2009 Reply


    please pupil me i’m chick hehehe

  13. w00tus April 26, 2009 Reply
  14. Hulkster April 26, 2009 Reply
  15. Dlim April 26, 2009 Reply

    please pupil me and ill return the favor.. thanks guys

  16. elementmb1 April 26, 2009 Reply

    i made a pupil brute for you (the writer) its called http://omgiam1337.mybrute.com
    now i need a pupil brute for elementmb1.mybrute.com

  17. oi April 27, 2009 Reply
  18. Ron April 27, 2009 Reply

    Lels… How the heck to you get weapons? I always get my brute whooped. 🙁

  19. enyo April 27, 2009 Reply
  20. omghai April 27, 2009 Reply

    I pupiled you,please pupil me 🙂

  21. ntbn April 28, 2009 Reply
  22. stickycarrots April 28, 2009 Reply

    Your Brute’s stats look pretty good. I will fight him when I get my 3 for the day.

    Fight MyBrute

    Let’s see what you got 🙂

  23. lazziebones April 28, 2009 Reply

    i am willing to be your pupil but be sure to be my pupil on



  24. onew April 28, 2009 Reply
  25. kaixxxpzs April 28, 2009 Reply

    make it to level 2 and ill make it either thx


  26. nalfeingr April 28, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and i’ll pupil you. Keep leveling the pupil and i’ll do so too!


  27. ronnie April 28, 2009 Reply

    i found a glitch regarding pet ownership.. i found out that being a pupil on a person who has a pet can increase your chances of getting your self your own pet.. as a proof ill give my brute`s web address so you can check it out for ur self..

    i pupiled you pupil me back on the link above..

    • sylv3rblade April 28, 2009 Reply

      I’m actually creating a MyBrute FAQ and the pet info is included ^_^ and yes I’ve pupiled you back.

  28. Ron April 28, 2009 Reply

    Just made you my master! totoy78! Hehe :p

    Please give me a pupil! rondelrosario.mybrute.com


  29. Trevor April 28, 2009 Reply

    I gave you a puip! Here’s mine:


  30. krizie April 29, 2009 Reply

    krizie.mybrute.com 🙂

  31. UnknownBastard April 29, 2009 Reply


    Help me if you can. Thanks.

  32. muxlux April 29, 2009 Reply



  33. lightblack April 29, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me and I shall return the favor 🙂

  34. Davido April 29, 2009 Reply
  35. Joe Somebody April 29, 2009 Reply


    If you pupil me, I’ll pupil you! =)

  36. J April 29, 2009 Reply

    Hey guys my guy has a BEAR an DOG if you become my pupil you have a big chance getting one yourself on level 3-5


  37. Pauli April 29, 2009 Reply
  38. Kryptos April 29, 2009 Reply

    Would you pupil me ? I’ll pupil you and get the pupil to level 2 if you do the same. Thanks.


  39. :) April 30, 2009 Reply

    Challenge my brute he is epic


  40. Karim April 30, 2009 Reply

    add me: http://mjiggy.mybrute.com/cellule, post a comment with my name and the character you want me to pupil, thanks-

  41. damian April 30, 2009 Reply
  42. umate April 30, 2009 Reply
  43. Will April 30, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me if you like! 🙂

  44. hafe April 30, 2009 Reply
  45. Elmo April 30, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me and mail me the name of your pupil and I will pupil you from 2 different IPs.

    mail: elmin89@gmail.com

  46. hurley May 1, 2009 Reply


  47. bismarck May 1, 2009 Reply

    please give me a pupil..i’ll pupil you back


  48. Keith May 1, 2009 Reply

    I’ll pupil everyone here if you pupil me!

    my brute


  49. PSL May 1, 2009 Reply

    Keith, i pupiled you with “apoijfqpo”
    level up once.

    my brute:

  50. mybrute May 1, 2009 Reply

    add mee! add me!! ^_^

  51. Pinguin May 1, 2009 Reply

    I pupilled:
    – Hurley –> P_Hurl
    – bismarck –> P_bism
    – Keith –> KouliPP12

    Please pupil back at:

  52. The Cusp May 2, 2009 Reply
  53. q.uee.nz May 2, 2009 Reply

    pupil me nd i promise il pupil you bak..


  54. st1fy May 2, 2009 Reply

    I PUPIL BACK 100%


  55. Adrian May 2, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me and i’ll pupil you


  56. Gurlurdo May 2, 2009 Reply

    pupil me, and i’ll return the favor.

  57. Blackfang May 2, 2009 Reply

    Pupils these and i will pupil yours


  58. Brammie May 2, 2009 Reply

    this is my pupil http://booki-hooki.mybrute.com

    If ya pupil me i’ll give you one or more back!

  59. kinkykrs May 2, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and I will pupil you back x3 times (diffrent IP’s)


  60. john park May 3, 2009 Reply

    ok, so how can everyone have a chance of getting a bear??
    well, here it is….

    1. click on http://ccx30xcc.mybrute.com/ and create a character
    * important note *
    you must create a character with a new IP address! what does this mean? well… either u can go to a new computer that hasn’t created any brutes on mybrute.com, or… just change IP if you know how (this is harder though). But once you get a new IP address, you are on your way to creating a BEAR!

    2. once character is created, battle ccx30xcc and become a pupil. If you go to http://ccx30xcc.mybrute.com/cellule right after the battle, you should see your name under as pupil
    * note *
    under… New pupil: (your character name) ! you should see
    1 exp. point gained
    this is important because that exp. transfers to your chance of getting the bear.

    3. Level up your character!
    you see, once you hit level 3 (easy to get if you win all battles at lvl 1, if not you will be level 2 at minimum) you can get the chance of getting a bear pet! From level 3, you have a 30% chance of getting a bear every time you level!
    so remember, to have all this work, new IP address is needed, becoming a pupil of ccx30xcc, and leveling up!!

    see, isnt it easy as 1,2,3? GOOD LUCK AND ENJOY!! 🙂

  61. Anonymous MyBrute May 3, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me with user the “[username].4114” and I will pupil you back. I will level the pupil to at least 3.

  62. robert lee May 3, 2009 Reply

    pupil me ILL pupil back

  63. J May 3, 2009 Reply

    If you are a pupil of someone who already has a bear or panther, you have a 30% chance, each level, to get one yourself. You master teaches you!

    Be my pupil to get a bear!

  64. hammerfost May 3, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and i will pupil u back


  65. q.uee.nz May 3, 2009 Reply

    common pupil me nd il pupil you,, BT(brutename)XP..

  66. Blackfang May 3, 2009 Reply

    I nearly pupiled everyone, so plz pupil baq

  67. Blackfang May 4, 2009 Reply
  68. festron May 4, 2009 Reply

    I have pupiled these(list) players,please return me the favor,to those that im not pupiled yet,pupil me and i’ll pupil back with lv 2-3( i check replies here everyday from today onward.My brute(mine) url;


    p/s:pupiled player and name of the pupil I created.

    1) http://ccx30xcc.mybrute.com/
    2) http://q.uee.nz.mybrute.com/
    3) http://blackmcfang.mybrute.com/
    4) http://hammerfost.mybrute.com/
    5) http://igotnolife.mybrute.com/
    6) http://robertglee.mybrute.com/
    7) http://4-1-14-14-25.mybrute.com/
    8) http://crossfear.mybrute.com/
    9) http://gurlurdo.mybrute.com/
    10) http://booki-hooki.mybrute.com/
    11) http://pinguin-1123.mybrute.com/
    12) http://sskris.mybrute.com/

    please level the pupil to lv2/lv3,I did for all the pupil i created

  69. procyron May 4, 2009 Reply

    I pupiled nearly everyone so please pupil me too:)
    You can have a shield, vitality or weapons at lvl1.:)

  70. Chazzie May 4, 2009 Reply


    pupil me n ill pupil u i pupiled nearly all here XD

  71. loff May 4, 2009 Reply
  72. Asleth May 4, 2009 Reply


    my pupil name will be asleth”random number”

  73. Random May 4, 2009 Reply


    pupil me and i’ll pupil back.

    however must use all 6 fights.

  74. Mirror May 4, 2009 Reply


    Email me after making a pupil with your name and i will level it to 3


  75. festron May 4, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and I will pupil back..


    sad,yesterday I pupiled 10 ppl but not a single player pupiled me back.

  76. nevin May 4, 2009 Reply


    pupil me and i will pupil you back:)

  77. sinabey May 5, 2009 Reply


    your generosity will not be overseen 🙂

  78. Name Name May 5, 2009 Reply


  79. extinctearth May 5, 2009 Reply
  80. SuicideKing May 5, 2009 Reply

    Try and beat me!
    Good luck! 😀

  81. wickedgaia May 5, 2009 Reply


    see you in arena….

  82. kevin May 5, 2009 Reply

    pupil me plz.

  83. sayoshin May 5, 2009 Reply

    i have a BEAR 🙂


    lets trade pupils 🙂

  84. Pinguin May 5, 2009 Reply

    Plz become pupil at:

    I’ll pupil back.

  85. nitro May 5, 2009 Reply

    can you be a pupil for http://nitro-180.mybrute.com

    if you work i will if you dont i will stop

  86. MistiCu May 5, 2009 Reply
  87. nitro May 6, 2009 Reply

    Be a pupil for me http://nitro-180.mybrute.com and i will pupil you back, make the name of your pupil the your brutes name plus 2 digits on the end

  88. festron May 6, 2009 Reply


    pupil me,ill pupil you..

    contact me at esemzeerulez@gmail.com

  89. twIIce May 6, 2009 Reply
  90. Blackfang May 6, 2009 Reply

    I pupiled all posts before mine. so please return the favour on


  91. Mishunache May 6, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and i`ll pupil you:D

  92. SomeGuy May 6, 2009 Reply


    Pupil Me, Get to Lvl 2, I’ll Pupil you and do the same. Free Exp! I also have a bear so you’ll have a greater chance to get one too.

  93. titiy May 6, 2009 Reply

    fight me..
    i’ve a panther n a dog..


  94. utimaco May 6, 2009 Reply
  95. nitro May 7, 2009 Reply

    Hey Pupil me, i will return the favour http://nitro-180.mybrute.com just put the name of the brute you want me to pupil with 2 numbers on the end of the puil you give me. have a SHILD so youre more likely to recieve one too

  96. Undefeated one May 7, 2009 Reply

    If you want a guarantee bear or wolf within 3 levels, pupil my character. http://khgjghra.mybrute.com/ If you don’t get a animal within 3 levels, I will give u a character with a wolf or bear.

  97. mr.TTTTTTTTTT May 7, 2009 Reply


    I’ll pupil you back!

  98. MADSKILL May 7, 2009 Reply

    I got a wolf from fighting http://igottagetit.mybrute.com, tried it twice and got two wolves in a row!

    For a bear I fought http://www.littlebigbokoe.mybrute.com and got a bear after 3 tries 😀

  99. toni May 7, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and ill pupil you back just create an acc at eul13.mybrute.com with your brute’s name followed by some dots so i can pupil you back..
    please eul13.mybrute.com

  100. Pinguin May 7, 2009 Reply

    Please pupil me at:

  101. nitro May 8, 2009 Reply

    get a shield from my guy by pupiling me, seems to work quite often, http://nitro-180.mybrute.com

  102. gfdgafga May 9, 2009 Reply

    I bet you can’t beat mine! http://yokonued.mybrute.com

  103. Angel May 9, 2009 Reply

    Here, will pupil trade, just create a pupil for me at http://epic-angel.mybrute.com call the pupil the name of your brute and then add 2 numbers, then i can see who to return the favour to, train to level 3 and i will do the same, cheers

  104. lady-lenna May 9, 2009 Reply

    I have a BEAR / DOG combination with a 104 HP and Feline Agility at level 8.

    A lot are being surprised with the very rare combination of both Health and Fighting Power. Sure I don’t have much weapon but I certainly feel I don’t need it right now 🙂

    If your interested go visit my brute and you might be a very good pupil. Just stay focused on your training 😛


  105. Aviii May 9, 2009 Reply

    Please pupil me at: http://aviii.mybrute.com
    And hopefully I’ll return the favor ~

  106. oxgarcia May 10, 2009 Reply

    Challenge me

  107. Robotstyle May 10, 2009 Reply

    pupil for pupil exchange

  108. titiy May 10, 2009 Reply
  109. tagalog to May 10, 2009 Reply
  110. kin May 10, 2009 Reply

    pupil exhange ^_^ thanks http://ofose44r.mybrute.com/

  111. spike May 10, 2009 Reply
  112. Cal May 10, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me for a dragon!!


  113. mrspermane May 10, 2009 Reply
  114. Angel May 10, 2009 Reply

    will pupil exchange, just create one and tell me hte name of it and i will return favour if i recieve exp form the pupil http://epic-angel.mybrute.com

  115. jordan May 10, 2009 Reply
  116. Sawing_singkit May 11, 2009 Reply

    I can do pupil exchange with you…

  117. XiaoFight May 11, 2009 Reply
  118. whatever May 11, 2009 Reply
  119. Sillicious May 11, 2009 Reply
  120. slasho May 11, 2009 Reply

    need help like all others;-)))


    your new charactername with number. you’ll get it back without.

    may the force be with you.

    greetz slasho.

  121. critzaman May 11, 2009 Reply

    lets make pupils exchange! have fun

  122. critzaman May 11, 2009 Reply
  123. Chogosu May 12, 2009 Reply
  124. Matt May 12, 2009 Reply


    pupil me and I’ll pupil you back. 🙂

  125. John May 12, 2009 Reply
  126. jan May 12, 2009 Reply


  127. dentarthur May 12, 2009 Reply


    name your brute “[your brute’s name]1483” and I will create a pupil

  128. Lemonape May 12, 2009 Reply


    shes destined for greatness
    ill pupil every new pupil i get, guaranteed, and i always use lemon in my brutes name 🙂

  129. djule May 13, 2009 Reply


    name your brute “[your brute’s name]2110? and I will pupil back 🙂

  130. djule May 13, 2009 Reply

    name your brute “[your brute’s name]2110? and I will pupil back :)

  131. monster May 13, 2009 Reply

    I got a bear at level 2. Check my cell http://monster164.mybrute.com/cellule. Be my pupil if you wanna get a bear early on.

  132. tsumabuki May 13, 2009 Reply
  133. Zorinth May 14, 2009 Reply


    pupil me with [your-brute-name]4884

  134. yaboirobby May 14, 2009 Reply

    You will get a bear!!!!!


  135. TheMatrix May 14, 2009 Reply


    I’ve already helped you guys, plesase do my favor. Thanks a lot!!

    You also can leave your burte name to me to help each other.

  136. johnel May 14, 2009 Reply
  137. Zkeleton May 14, 2009 Reply

    Would love some pupils 4 these 2



    The first one listed has a bear

    Will make pupils 4 others

    • Zkeleton May 14, 2009 Reply

      OH, and name your pupil


      ****** = the name of brute you want a pupil 4. Otherwise I’ll just pupil your pupil

  138. abu May 14, 2009 Reply


  139. Zorinth May 15, 2009 Reply


    [your-brute-name]4884 and i’ll pupil back for sure

  140. Lemonape May 15, 2009 Reply

    everyone needs to get over the whole bear idea

    a: wolves do way more damage in a battle
    b: ill pwn ur bear brutes easy
    3: if u get a bear AND wolf u will pwn tho no doubt

    i prefer to be pet free for my main, makes it abit more challenging

    • Zkeleton May 18, 2009 Reply

      This nice thing about the bear though is how much damage it can absorb. It can take a lot of hits to kill it and thats a lot fewer hits that your brute has to take. The one brute i have that has a bear is 4th lvl and has never lost except in tournaments, and even there he has beaten 10 and 12th level brutes.

  141. Cory May 15, 2009 Reply


  142. Ansssssi May 16, 2009 Reply


    [your-brute-name]123 and i’ll pupil back for sure too 🙂

  143. Jell May 16, 2009 Reply
  144. Johnny B May 16, 2009 Reply


    Gimme a pupil / Email me and I’ll do the same, ty.

  145. Johnny B May 16, 2009 Reply


    Gimme a pupil / Email me and I’ll do the same, ty.


  146. craig May 17, 2009 Reply

    pupil me master of all

  147. Darts May 17, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me and I will pupil you back.

  148. craig May 17, 2009 Reply
  149. andre May 17, 2009 Reply


  150. sorawong May 18, 2009 Reply
  151. Corriban May 18, 2009 Reply

    Be my pupil, and i’ll have a pupil for you:D


    He has a bear

    Write this in for a name, and you’ll have a pupil no doubt:

    XXX[your brute’s name]123

    Thank you and have a good day

  152. elint May 18, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me and I’ll pupil back! 🙂


  153. Zkeleton May 18, 2009 Reply

    Anyone have any idea what formula is for getn xp from pupils?

    I have one pupil 4 one of my brutes that generates xp and thats it. No other pupils have ever given me xp.

    • sylv3rblade May 19, 2009 Reply

      you get 1 exp per unique IP. you get 1 exp when a pupil reaches level up.

  154. Corriban May 19, 2009 Reply

    Thank You for those who made a pupil for Blatant Victory. I have already made a pupil for those who made a pupil for me. Thank you very much. I see one of you have a bear too! That’s great! Thank you!

  155. Tumi May 19, 2009 Reply


    you might get a bear. =)

  156. John May 19, 2009 Reply


    I just pupiled elint and some others…

    Please pupil me and, who knows, maybe you get a bear..


  157. Moley89 May 19, 2009 Reply

    I’ll Pupil back 🙂


  158. anonymouse May 19, 2009 Reply
  159. GMilo May 19, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me please =]

  160. FinalDual May 19, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and ill pupil back within an hour. Please make your name “PUPIL-yourname” so that i can pupil back.

    also i have a pet so you have more of a chance of getting when you pupil under me.


  161. Dane May 19, 2009 Reply


    challenge me i dare ya.. haha, pupil me and ill pupil back 🙂


  162. GMilo May 20, 2009 Reply

    Join my clan also? =]

  163. namja23 May 20, 2009 Reply

    http://destro23.mybrute.com (Has 2 weapons)

    http://namja-enigma.mybrute.com (Has a dog)

    Pupil me and I’ll pupil back!

  164. JANS May 20, 2009 Reply

    heyyy yo tengo un bruto que el maestro tiene una mascota y mucha fuerza y al crear el mio me dieron al nivel 2 mascota tambien y mucha fuerza. Estoy al final del nivel 8 (casi 9) y tengo 5 armas muy poderosas y especialidades. Mi maestro es xaveto.mybrute.com o al mio que es jansenegger.mybrute.com

  165. svfffasdvf May 20, 2009 Reply


    use my panther to get a panther yourself!!!

  166. Mawal May 20, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me and I’ll pupil back!

  167. FinalDual May 20, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me! chance to get a pet. ill pupil back!


  168. kurip May 21, 2009 Reply

    ill pupil anyone who pupils me =]

  169. bunjelina May 21, 2009 Reply

    pupil me guys!and i’ll pupil you back!

    follow this in making your brute’s name


    example: PUPbunjelina

    tnx guys!:D


  170. jefferd May 21, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me, I’ll pupil back

    have fun playing ^^

  171. Flokkoloco May 22, 2009 Reply
  172. Eisenherz May 22, 2009 Reply

    Pupiled you. I will also gladly pupil anyone who pupils me:

    If you want me to pupil back to a different pupil than the newly created, just tell me.

  173. KillMe May 23, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me and reach level 2 and I’ll do the same:

    Use ZZnameZZ format

  174. mastro92 May 23, 2009 Reply


    • Mirror May 23, 2009 Reply

      Make pupils for me with the format: PUP(name here) and ill make one for you! Tha’ts a promise. If i seem to have missed your name pop up, just email me at:


      and i will make you a pupil 🙂

  175. Hmph May 23, 2009 Reply


    pupil me and i shall pupil you

    use XxX(name)XxX format so i know who to pupil please 😀

  176. Tower of Power May 23, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me and I promise to pupil you back. Thanks!


  177. Tower of Power May 23, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me and i promise to pupil you back!!


  178. James May 24, 2009 Reply


    I have a bear. Pupil me and I will pupil back I promise!

  179. Apeez May 24, 2009 Reply

    hi guys! how to change password if we missed at the first place?

  180. Apeez May 24, 2009 Reply

    I already be pupil for akntr054. please be mangkarun’s pupil at http://mangkarun.mybrute.com.

  181. bayot02 May 24, 2009 Reply


    make me some pupils!i’ll pupil you in return…level up those pupils EVERYDAY and i’ll level up those pupils i’ll make for u guys everydayyyy!..

    follow this step in making my pupil


    ex. DUSTbayot02

    tnx guys!

  182. Apeez May 24, 2009 Reply

    forgot to say that my brute is cekcibor.. 😉

  183. anonymous May 24, 2009 Reply


    i’ll pupil u so please pupil me back!

  184. zonagee May 24, 2009 Reply

    aka-infinity.mybrute.com, ill pupil back@!

  185. pifan May 25, 2009 Reply

    hey akainfinity I made pupil yoyoyoyo234 pls make back 🙂

  186. swing vagabond May 26, 2009 Reply

    hi my brute is:


    I’m looking for some pupils, and i can pupil you back.
    I want serious persons so we can help each other in an effective way.
    If you’re interested just make a pupil with 123 and the name of your brute: [123your_brute_name]
    The ones interested can reach me here. Let us Level up ( :

    Good Luck in the arena

  187. justin May 26, 2009 Reply

    make a pupil for my brute and leave your name in the brute name in parenthesis



  188. Jobert De Villa May 27, 2009 Reply

    Jan(Your Brute name)
    Pupil me and i pupil you back ^_\\\

  189. Captain May 30, 2009 Reply

    come make me some pupils and i will pupils you in return..
    just click the link below..


    it’s so easy..
    let start pupils trading..

  190. Captain May 30, 2009 Reply

    come make me some pupils and i will pupils you in return..
    just click the link below..


    it’s so easy..
    let start pupils trading..

  191. Captain May 30, 2009 Reply


    after you make me some pupils email me at john_kymura@yahoo.com so i will pupils you in return..let start pupils trading..

  192. Teekanne May 31, 2009 Reply

    Please Pupil me and i will pupil you
    It is really important for me because i have to win a bet against a friend^^

  193. King Ryuukira May 31, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and i’ll pupil you back

  194. Paulo May 31, 2009 Reply

    torimasu.mybrute.com pupil me and I pupil you.

  195. Captain June 1, 2009 Reply



    after you make me some pupils email me at john_kymura@yahoo.com so i will pupils you in return..let start pupils trading..

  196. jondi June 1, 2009 Reply


    make a char here 2 get bear…im a master of vitality and pet master…

  197. jondi June 1, 2009 Reply

    fight my brute only lvl3 http://xero021.mybrute.com/

  198. paff June 1, 2009 Reply
  199. Jimmy June 1, 2009 Reply

    horyl.mybrute.com pupil me and I pupil you.

  200. juni June 1, 2009 Reply

    http://goe92.mybrute.com pupil me and i will help you;) and there is a chance of 33% to have whip , the best weapon in mybrute

  201. sumeri June 2, 2009 Reply

    Hello Let’s trade pupils .
    make a pupil at http://sumeri.mybrute.com then either leave ur name in pupils name 52(main char name) or send me and e-mail at sumeriman@gmail.com
    i will be online everyday and i like this game alot .

  202. jay June 2, 2009 Reply


    will trade pupil and level to lvl 2 atleast.

    do mybrute+yourbruts name for pupil and that way I can get you back.

  203. Captain June 3, 2009 Reply


  204. Captain June 3, 2009 Reply
  205. gelo June 3, 2009 Reply


    wil trade pupils 😀

  206. TheGreatOne June 3, 2009 Reply

    Guarantee a bear or a wolf, sometimes both. http://khgjghra.mybrute.com/

  207. Paiapete June 4, 2009 Reply


    I have a dog and a bear.

  208. mybrute sucks June 4, 2009 Reply


    i keep losing. i am looking for the most losses ever!

  209. xpression81 June 4, 2009 Reply


  210. Pablo June 5, 2009 Reply


    pupil me and i will return the favor 🙂

  211. Pete June 5, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me, will pupil back and lvl to 2 or 3.

  212. Captain June 5, 2009 Reply



    after you make me some pupils email me at john_kymura@yahoo.com so i will pupils you in return..let start pupils trading..

  213. mangimewhite June 6, 2009 Reply

    pupil me…
    (http://mangimewhite.mybrute.com) mangime.white@hotmail.com

    i’ll pupil under you and train it to level 2 (maybe 3 if im feeling generous)


    -pupil under me with a random character
    -let me know you have pupiled me by sending the pupils name so i can check
    -give me your brutes name you wish to be pupiled by me

    -wen i DO pupil under you, i’ll train it to lvl 2; maybe 3 if your lucky…

    …for your brutes sake…

  214. June 6, 2009 Reply
  215. Shin June 7, 2009 Reply

    Fight me at =)

  216. Collat3ral June 7, 2009 Reply


    Pupil uder me, and i’ll return the favor. Gonna lvl to lvl 3

  217. mcguire138 June 8, 2009 Reply
  218. NGF June 8, 2009 Reply

    http://proteome.mybrute.com, pupil me then email me at spudissick@hotmail.com with the brute you want me to pupil

  219. watchhout June 9, 2009 Reply

    watchhout.mybrute.com, pupil me

  220. Janonano June 9, 2009 Reply

    try to create ur brutes here @ http://janonano.mybrute.com

    promise its true i have proof check his pupils they have bears

    1. http://rhcbt02.mybrute.com/cellule
    2 http://plc32.mybrute.com/cellule

    check their Master = Janonano!!! its fact have fun

  221. Mindy June 9, 2009 Reply

    Hello! I have no pupils.
    Would anyone out there like to pupil me?


  222. Conor June 9, 2009 Reply


  223. dexryan_08 June 10, 2009 Reply

    pupil http://kajdex08.mybrute.com and i will pupil you back…

    just tell me that you have pupiled me and post or send me your mybrute link dexryan_08@yahoo.com

  224. Wz0ds June 10, 2009 Reply

    pupil http://mymcurse.mybrute.com and i will pupil you too up to 3 lvl !! (if you do the same) !

  225. maggelite June 11, 2009 Reply

    Pupil http://maggelite.mybrute.com
    with you name 555before you mybrute name.
    i will pupil back with and level up it to 2 and maybe 3.

  226. maggelite June 11, 2009 Reply

    I mean you WzOds i pupiled http://mymcurse.mybrute
    and level up it to 2

    Please pupil back and level up it to level 2 to


  227. tufiss June 11, 2009 Reply


    i will pupil you back

    name your favourite brute and watch it have an extra lvl 3ed pupil

  228. Wz0ds June 12, 2009 Reply

    i pupiled you but still no expo for you or for me, something strange :/

  229. Purin June 12, 2009 Reply
  230. make pupils June 12, 2009 Reply
  231. mark June 14, 2009 Reply
  232. boomboompow2110 June 14, 2009 Reply

    be my pupil

  233. ben Harpur June 14, 2009 Reply

    http://broximo.mybrute.com .. all i want is one pupil, i will pupil you back

  234. MattJG June 16, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me and i will pupil you back asap http://bamboozya.mybrute.com

  235. Kane285 June 17, 2009 Reply

    http://jgnbngg.mybrute.com/ for a special weapon

  236. Cheater June 18, 2009 Reply


    I got 2 dogs from this account just like the owner of this account has and now I have a BEAR TOO!! Once you reach level 4 you will receive 2 dogs AND a bear!!

    It’s FOOL PROOF!!!

  237. crazy June 18, 2009 Reply

    pupil me with _xx and i will pupil back .

    eg: pupil me with asdfg1234_01 and i will pupil back asdfg1234

    thank you

  238. mashi21 June 18, 2009 Reply

    plz pupil my 2 char



    i will pupil u back and make 2 pupils just name ur brute with ur name ang put a number 21 at the front of ur name..tnx alot !!=)

  239. Pion June 19, 2009 Reply

    http://pion-v.mybrute.com , pupil me and ill pupil you back, you get the deal

  240. MountainMan June 20, 2009 Reply

    Hey Guyz 🙂

    Come on and Pupil me you know you want to 🙂


  241. dotalegend June 20, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and i promise to pupil back…i got a BEAR at exactly lvl 2…see for urselves…and pm me in my YM if u haven’t got a BEAR in several tries coz i’m gonna give u one…all accounts in my clan will have a bear and their all mine…dotalegend@ymail.com (YM)


  242. Bubba June 20, 2009 Reply

    I have a beast brute! Check it out please http://sifiififififif.mybrute.com/

  243. RaidsteeL June 21, 2009 Reply

    Hello people! I am interesting in exchange of some pupils!
    So if you like to do it, just make a pupil for me here


    AND name the pupil putting first “1234” and then your name!
    So for example, if your name is “Gandalf” make me a pupil with name “1234Gandalf” so i can see your name and return the favor!! 😉

    PS : Also don’t put password in pupils just make them and i can level up them myself 😉 , i will leave password free your pupils too.

  244. im.a.beast June 21, 2009 Reply

    hey if you want to trade pupils then add me. http://im.a.beast.mybrute.com/ i promise i will pupil back, but remember to leave some kind of tag behind or after the name OR both. thank you~~


  245. RaidsteeL June 22, 2009 Reply

    Hello people! I am interesting in exchange of some pupils!
    So if you like to do it, just make a pupil for me here


    AND name the pupil putting first “1234” and then your name!
    So for example, if your name is “Gandalf” make me a pupil with name “1234Gandalf” so i can see your name and return the favor!! 😉

    PS : Also don’t put password in pupils just make them and i can level up them myself 😉 , i will leave password free your pupils too.

    PS2 : And also let’s be clear!! i ALWAYS pupil back BUT if i don’t get exp from you pupil i will not so don’t bother to make pupils for me from the same ip. TY 😉

  246. mybrutalz June 22, 2009 Reply

    Hey fellow MyBruters! If you want a 33% better chance in getting a pet (preferably the bear or the silver wolf) pupil me, I’ve got 2 silver wolves! I wish I had a bear, but eh, maybe you can receive one if you battle mine!
    Pupil me and I will pupil you back.

    http://buzzsaww.mybrute.com – Silver wolf/panther

    http://uiyu.mybrute.com – Silver wolf/panther

    Take care guys!

  247. CapPeeler June 22, 2009 Reply

    Do you want a Bear, Thick Skin, and a Club this is the one for you to pupil!
    Pupil me and I will Pupil you Back!

  248. Ski June 24, 2009 Reply

    I’m a Level 12. I have the dog and close to reaching 20 speed. Currently have 5 weapons and have 4 attributes including water bomb and impact.


  249. Dark Root June 25, 2009 Reply


  250. Jairo June 25, 2009 Reply


    ill pupil you backkk.

  251. KOSTSK June 26, 2009 Reply

    http://madgus.mybrute.com pupil for pupil….fair enough?……i also have bear and dog………:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  252. Jairo June 27, 2009 Reply

    pupil 4 pupil i pupiled youu

  253. Nate June 27, 2009 Reply
  254. Slurggg June 27, 2009 Reply

    try me out for size


  255. wolfmanphuck July 1, 2009 Reply


    I have a wolf, in case anyone wanted to become my pupil. If you help me, I’ll be sure to return the favor!!

  256. mybrutalz July 1, 2009 Reply

    I’ve got 2 brutes if anyone wants to pupil or battle:

    http://wolfmanslamdog.mybrute.com -> bear
    http://dck.ad.mybrute.com -> bear

    Post a comment, I’m subscribed to this forum so I get emails, that way I can pupil you back.

  257. sl0b0n1 July 2, 2009 Reply

    http://sl0b0n1.mybrute.com pupil me 😛

    i will pupil you back

  258. pupil me July 2, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and i’ll pupil you back

    name of your brute:
    name of your pupil:

  259. Kelddath July 3, 2009 Reply


    I got a bear 🙂 pupil me plz!

  260. GGGGG July 3, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and I will pupil back:


  261. Bubba July 3, 2009 Reply

    Insane brute! Fight my brute 🙂 http://sifiififififif.mybrute.com/

    Good brutes join THE Clan!

  262. Killp July 4, 2009 Reply


    I’m new to this but will start working my way through the list tomorrow thanks!

  263. http://iii-flash-iii.mybrute.com

    pupil me and i’ll do the same seriously i will k thanks whoever does this

  264. jables July 6, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me and I’ll pupil you

  265. teycard July 7, 2009 Reply

    http://uga40.mybrute.com creat a pupil automatic you have a beer or wolf

  266. Shadow July 7, 2009 Reply

    It’s kinda strange, but it seems everyone who pupils me gets armor!?!

    http://neonswift.mybrute.com if you want to try it.

  267. Mike July 8, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me [add a 1] and i’ll triple pupil you

  268. The Mad Mick July 8, 2009 Reply

    madgus, I pupiled you.

    Please pupil back to

    I’ll exchange pupils with any who exchange with me as well.

  269. gill July 9, 2009 Reply
  270. diablo July 10, 2009 Reply
  271. Dylan July 10, 2009 Reply
  272. maRk July 11, 2009 Reply


    pupil me and i guarantee you a bear with level 3 and up..,!


  273. Florre July 12, 2009 Reply

    join me i need alot of pupils =)


  274. Eric July 12, 2009 Reply
  275. SacredCheese July 13, 2009 Reply


    I has a bear 😀

    my friend has both a bear AND a dog!:



  276. Yoshinen July 13, 2009 Reply

    I’ve already pupil’d you guys.. so now it’s my turn to get pupils…


  277. makis1991 July 13, 2009 Reply


    pupil me and u won’t regret it!!!

  278. jdmurray88 July 14, 2009 Reply

    Pupil my brute if you want a better chance at getting a bear:


  279. ninecrimesnet July 15, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me and I’ll get you back

  280. kloe July 18, 2009 Reply

    pupil me and ill pupil you back


    just add “pls” before your name (ex. plsgrudgefest) so i can pupil you back

  281. white acorn July 21, 2009 Reply

    If you want to make pupils, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BT3UGVcIxc and watch it!

  282. Bones July 22, 2009 Reply

    Get the best items and skills in the game!

    Challenge me once and level up to get a Bear, Thick Skin, and a shield !


  283. stressla July 22, 2009 Reply
  284. catking69 July 23, 2009 Reply

    come to teach your teacher.

  285. frizzlefrane July 26, 2009 Reply

    just pupil me,i pupil back of course

  286. Vahshi Darinda July 27, 2009 Reply
  287. baxtorLyon July 28, 2009 Reply

    Pupil my brute Please and id be glad to Pupil back!!

    My master has a bear so Hopefully ill be getting a Big juicy Bear soon so You can enjoy as well



  288. brutal ownage July 28, 2009 Reply

    MY brute got hacked! i dont know how but the pass has been changed.

  289. el torro July 28, 2009 Reply


    use <>+9999 and i will pupil you back, thanks!

  290. no class July 29, 2009 Reply



    pupil me please and i will pupil you back !!

  291. godlybrute July 30, 2009 Reply

    pupil me for godly weps and skills

    go to

    create a character with two vowels at the end of your name for 60% more chance of getting godlike weapons

  292. Aaron Reitmeier July 31, 2009 Reply


    Pupil for Pupil! I am starting on this list now!

  293. Bradley August 1, 2009 Reply


    Pupil me please! (I did all above me)

  294. dlok August 2, 2009 Reply

    I have a beer pet and x3 dogs, become my pupil and get to lvl 3 to get your own bear!… i will also pupil you back

  295. Luke August 2, 2009 Reply
  296. Altrox August 3, 2009 Reply


    I pupil’d everyone here, but it’s not happening with the points…>.>

    Quid pro quo though.

  297. black_phoenix_014 August 5, 2009 Reply

    hi sylv3rblade… you’re an MOwnager ryt/?
    anyway just want to say hi…

    here’s mybrute…


  298. eric August 7, 2009 Reply

    come one and all and join the dojo kick yo azz we are on are way to be on top of the world baby so just enter this little code in on mybrute and be godly AAFFJHFE

  299. kloe August 8, 2009 Reply

    pupil my brute


    remember to use all fights… it’s critical…

    reply and ill pupil you back… or use 5exclamation points after the name of your brute so i could see them ie MyBrute!!!!!

  300. BEAT August 8, 2009 Reply

    If u want to create a real powerful brute with a 75% chance. IT’S TRUE if u pupil me i’ll pupil u back http://spectrezet9.mybrute.com

  301. draykoe August 9, 2009 Reply

    Whoever wants to take me on

  302. Frankie August 15, 2009 Reply

    Pupil Me and ill Pupil you!! do if for both of these accounts


    just put a “BOOM in front of your own name. for example your username is “coolman” then you’ll make a Pupil under me called “BOOMcoolman”. This is so i can also make a pupil for you.

    Pls don’t put a password on the pupil so i can lvl it myself. ill do the same for you!

    • Frankie August 15, 2009 Reply

      OOPS sorry the real link for my brute is


      thx ill pupil whoever pupils me within 24 hours!!

  303. Tantalus August 22, 2009 Reply

    Want a bear in an early stage?

    Try my luck and become my pupil or just challenge me for fun …


    Push your luck and just try … see you on the brute battlefield


  304. oltoots August 23, 2009 Reply

    i made a pupil under you please do the same for me

  305. adam August 25, 2009 Reply

    I have made a pupil for a few of the accounts here. Please pupil back.


  306. Raffo August 26, 2009 Reply

    Me to…

    This is my brute, pupil me and i’ll pupil back


  307. dino August 30, 2009 Reply

    here’s my brute. pls pupil me and i’ll do the same


  308. draykoe September 20, 2009 Reply
  309. kblrm October 1, 2009 Reply

    Pupil me and get a pet on 5th level, TESTED!!!


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