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Free invites for Yahoo! Mash

Yahoo! has just launch it’s new web 2.0 social networking utility called Yahoo Mash.

Mash accounts are only available through Invites and viewing of profiles require that you login to an existing Yahoo! account.  The whole interface looks and feels like friendster and Myspace.  Your profile page can be edited by your mash’s friends also so they can always spice things up for you. Like facebook yahoo mash’s welcome page greets you with the latest updates and changes done by your friends. Like on MySpace, Yahoo Mash offers profile page customization features.

If you need a Yahoo Mash invitation, post a comment on this thread or contact me.


Comments ( 12 )

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  1. Drei September 17, 2007 Reply

    I’m just wondering, they already had the Yahoo! 360 gimmick. Why create another social networking group?

  2. sylv3rblade September 17, 2007 Reply

    If rumors are true. Yahoo! will close soon close 360 to make way for Mash although I doubt it since both systems offer quite a bit of different features from each other.

  3. Dexter September 17, 2007 Reply

    Send me an invite.. hanks

  4. Dexter September 17, 2007 Reply

    A very fast response sylv3rblade .. Thanks..

  5. sylv3rblade September 17, 2007 Reply

    I wasn’t doing anything (which is bad because I have a finals exam tomorrow >_<) so I'm blog hopping

  6. albrttrevino September 18, 2007 Reply
  7. Chris Farrugia September 18, 2007 Reply

    please send me an invite 🙂



  8. Stan September 20, 2007 Reply

    Please send me an invite, thanks
    stan8 at yahoo.com

  9. james September 22, 2007 Reply

    I would like in invite

  10. john September 24, 2007 Reply

    plz send me an invite
    Thanks for it

  11. Nam Hai October 18, 2007 Reply

    I’m so excited about those new features of Mash, please send me an invite

    Thank you very much ^____^

  12. Rajat Kumar November 18, 2007 Reply

    hey, mash sounds really interesting..i’d really be very grateful for an invite… thanx

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